PC Bio Unlock - Troubleshooting

Uninstalling (Java version)

To remove PC Bio Unlock, follow these steps:

  1. Open the downloaded .jar file to access the desktop app. On Windows, you can double-click it, or in a terminal run java -jar PCBioUnlock.jar.
  2. If the .jar file has been inadvertently deleted, you can re-download it from here.
  3. Within the app, locate and click on the uninstallation button to initiate the removal process.
  4. After uninstalling PC Bio Unlock, you can remove Java and the .jar file from your system.

Failed to connect to the PC

This error can be caused by many different reasons due to various different network configurations. Here are some things you can try:

  • If you haven't already, please check your Firewall on your PC or router. As configuring the firewall varies between software and the router model, you might need to look up online how to do this for your setup. The app automatically detects Windows Defender, ufw and firewalld and adds a rule for them. The default port is 43295 and can be changed in the desktop app's settings.
  • The desktop app tries to automatically detect the IP address of your PC, so your phone can connect directly to it. However, on some setups this detection might fail so manually setting the IP is required. Go into the desktop app's settings and select a different network interface. Then save and try again.


If the above instructions didn't help, or you have a different issue, feel free to open a GitHub Issue or write an E-Mail to .